In my previous post about Mocking - which i think you should checkout -, I talked about building (and testing) a Github sample app. One that fetches users' repositories and profile. This isn't a full featured app by any means but it would be super useful for our purpose here - mocking.

The Github App

The code for this has been put on Github.

Users Story

As a user of this app, i want to

  • Search for a user on github and get his profile.
  • Find all repositories belonging to a specific user.

Cool ? That's all we need to implement. Fairly easy.

Since we would need to hit the github api to fulfill this stories, we would be needing a sort of HttpClient. For this we would be using Guzzle - which is kind of the industry standard in PHP.

You should cd to some directory and create a composer.json file with the following content ;

  "require": {
    "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^6.2"
  "require-dev": {
    "mockery/mockery": "^0.9.6",
    "phpunit/phpunit": "^5.6"
  "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
      "Adelowo\\Github\\": "src/"
$composer install

Great, we have our testing tools and an HttpClient. All we have to do is create an object that interacts with Github's api using Guzzle.


namespace Adelowo\Github;

use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use function GuzzleHttp\json_decode;

class GithubClient

    const BASE_API_LINK = "";

    protected $httpClient;

    public function __construct(Client $client)
        $this->httpClient = $client;

    public function getUserProfile(string $userName)
        $response = $this->get("users/{$userName}");

        if (200 !== $response->getStatusCode()) {
            throw $this->throwInvalidResponseException();

        return json_decode($response->getBody(), true);

    protected function get(string $relativeUrl)
        return $this->httpClient->get(self::BASE_API_LINK . $relativeUrl);

    protected function throwInvalidResponseException()
        return new InvalidResponseException(

    public function getUserRepositories(string $userName)
        $response = $this->get("users/{$userName}/repos");

        if (200 !== $response->getStatusCode()) {
            throw $this->throwInvalidResponseException();

        return json_decode($response->getBody(), true);

This object is quite easy to follow. Our GithubClient object has a dependency on GuzzleHttp\Client. We only have two public method apis - getUserProfile and getUserRepositories -. Their communication with the Github api has been moved to a single method - get(string $relativeUrl) - in other to prevent duplication.

Fairly straight forward.

The PSR-7 standard is actually a nice way to understanding how Guzzle was implemented.

How about we test this ? Since this is going to be a lot to take in, i would only show a test per block code.

The most interesting part here are the setUp, getGithubClient methods. They are the main places that shows how to test code that requires an internet connection.


namespace Adelowo\Github\Tests;

use Adelowo\Github\GithubClient;
use Adelowo\Github\InvalidResponseException;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use Mockery;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;

class GithubClientTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase

    protected $httpClient;

    protected $response;

    public function setUp()
        $this->httpClient = Mockery::mock(Client::class)->makePartial();
        $this->response = Mockery::mock(ResponseInterface::class)->makePartial();

        $this->httpClient->shouldReceive('get') //get is actually a method we called in GithubClient

    public function tearDown()

    protected function getGithubClient()
       return new GithubClient($this->httpClient); //give our client object the mock

How about fulfilling user story no 1.


     * @dataProvider getUserProfile
    public function testUserProfileWasFetchedSuccessfully($response)



        $userProfile = $this->getGithubClient()->getUserProfile('fabpot');


    public function getUserProfile()
        //Let's fake the result since we are not going to hit the api
        return [
                "login" => "fabpot",
                "id" => 47313,
                "avatar_url" => "",
                "gravatar_id" => "",
                "url" => "",
                "html_url" => "",
                "followers_url" => "",
                "following_url" => "{/other_user}",
                "gists_url" => "{/gist_id}",
                "starred_url" => "{/owner}{/repo}",
                "subscriptions_url" => "",
                "organizations_url" => "",
                "repos_url" => "",
                "events_url" => "{/privacy}",
                "received_events_url" => "",
                "type" => "User",
                "site_admin" => false,
                "name" => "Fabien Potencier",
                "company" => "SensioLabs",
                "blog" => "",
                "location" => "San Francisco",
                "email" => "[email protected]",
                "hireable" => true,
                "bio" => null,
                "public_repos" => 19,
                "public_gists" => 8,
                "followers" => 6505,
                "following" => 0,
                "created_at" => "2009-01-17T13:42:51Z",
                "updated_at" => "2016-11-30T09:52:54Z"

With this, we have fulfilled the first user story. Let's move to the next one i.e for repositories.


    public function testAllRepositoriesOwnedByAUserWasFetchedCorrectly()
        $response = $this->getUserRepos();



        $userRepos = $this->getGithubClient()->getUserRepositories("adelowo");


    protected function getUserRepos()
        return [
                "id" => 73918229,
                "name" => "address-bok",
                "full_name" => "adelowo/address-bok",
                "owner" => [
                    "login" => "adelowo",
                    "id" => 12677701,
                    "avatar_url" => "",
                    "gravatar_id" => "",
                    "url" => "",
                    "html_url" => "",
                    "followers_url" => "",
                    "following_url" => "{/other_user}",
                    "gists_url" => "{/gist_id}",
                    "starred_url" => "{/owner}{/repo}",
                    "subscriptions_url" => "",
                    "organizations_url" => "",
                    "repos_url" => "",
                    "events_url" => "{/privacy}",
                    "received_events_url" => "",
                    "type" => "User",
                    "site_admin" => false
                "private" => false,
                "html_url" => "",
                "description" => "Some Sample project",
                "fork" => false,
                "url" => "",
                "forks_url" => "",
                "keys_url" => "{/key_id}",
                "collaborators_url" => "{/collaborator}",
                "teams_url" => "",
                "hooks_url" => "",
                "issue_events_url" => "{/number}",
                "events_url" => "",
                "assignees_url" => "{/user}",
                "branches_url" => "{/branch}",
                "tags_url" => "",
                "blobs_url" => "{/sha}",
                "git_tags_url" => "{/sha}",
                "git_refs_url" => "{/sha}",
                "trees_url" => "{/sha}",
                "statuses_url" => "{sha}",
                "languages_url" => "",
                "stargazers_url" => "",
                "contributors_url" => "",
                "subscribers_url" => "",
                "subscription_url" => "",
                "commits_url" => "{/sha}",
                "git_commits_url" => "{/sha}",
                "comments_url" => "{/number}",
                "issue_comment_url" => "{/number}",
                "contents_url" => "{+path}",
                "compare_url" => "{base}...{head}",
                "merges_url" => "",
                "archive_url" => "{archive_format}{/ref}",
                "downloads_url" => "",
                "issues_url" => "{/number}",
                "pulls_url" => "{/number}",
                "milestones_url" => "{/number}",
                "notifications_url" => "{?since,all,participating}",
                "labels_url" => "{/name}",
                "releases_url" => "{/id}",
                "deployments_url" => "",
                "created_at" => "2016-11-16T12:30:10Z",
                "updated_at" => "2016-11-23T14:52:23Z",
                "pushed_at" => "2016-11-23T14:53:45Z",
                "git_url" => "git://",
                "ssh_url" => "[email protected]:adelowo/address-bok.git",
                "clone_url" => "",
                "svn_url" => "",
                "homepage" => "",
                "size" => 59,
                "stargazers_count" => 1,
                "watchers_count" => 1,
                "language" => "PHP",
                "has_issues" => true,
                "has_downloads" => true,
                "has_wiki" => true,
                "has_pages" => false,
                "forks_count" => 0,
                "mirror_url" => null,
                "open_issues_count" => 0,
                "forks" => 0,
                "open_issues" => 0,
                "watchers" => 1,
                "default_branch" => "master"


Running phpunit should make us green without touching the internet.

Like i said in the previous post, mocking is a big deal. Learning to use it has changed the way i write my tests and even increased my coverage - even though coverage isn't always a measure of quality.

Alternate Ending

But we have a problem. Tests should also cover extreme edge cases right ?. For example in our GithubClient object, we only care if the HTTP status code is 200 - anything other than that would be considered an invalid response.



    public function getUserProfile(string $userName)
        $response = $this->get("users/{$userName}");

        if (200 !== $response->getStatusCode()) { //Hey, look here!!!
            throw $this->throwInvalidResponseException();

        return json_decode($response->getBody(), true);

    protected function throwInvalidResponseException()
        return new InvalidResponseException(

But our tests didn't cover that edge case. Let's have that fixed



    public function testUserProfileCouldNotBeFetchedBecauseAnInvalidHttpResponseWasReceived()


            ->never(); //we aren't expecting the getBody call. An exception should "kill" the GithubClient



    public function testAUserRepositoriesCouldNotBeFetchedBecauseAnInvalidHttpResponseWasReceived()





The source code for this (including a sample console script that shows our dummy app in usage) can be found on Github.